PinnedHannah LininHannah Lin從非本科系到矽谷工程師 — 夢想完成後的學習能夠把興趣當工作真的是很幸福的一件事,雖然成長過程一樣會經歷種種挫折與低潮May 26, 20206May 26, 20206
Hannah LininHannah LinReact.memo 沒有你想得這麼簡單(with useMemo/useCallback)雖然 React.memo 可以避免不必要 re-render ,但必須確保所有 props 都是 primitive 並且相同的Sep 16Sep 16
Hannah LininHannah LinuseMemo, useCallback 是效能救星還是災星?useMemo, useCallback only for re-render,不正確的使用反而讓效能大打折扣Sep 14Sep 14
Hannah LininHannah Lin[演算法筆記] RecursionWhere recursion shines is when you use it to break down a problem into “subproblems”, whose solutions can then be combined to solve the…Aug 15Aug 15
Hannah LininHannah Lin[演算法筆記] Two Pointer & Prefix sumStart the pointers L=0,R=input.length — 1at the edges of the input. Move them towards each other until they meet.Aug 1Aug 1
Hannah LininHannah Lin[演算法筆記] Sliding window資料內有一個滿足特定條件長度的窗口 (make a subarray “valid”),可以藉由滑動此窗口來取得想要的資料Jul 29Jul 29
Hannah LininHannah Lin[面試] 中英對照之 TS 面試題什麼是 TS?、 TS 優缺點、Type 跟 Interface 差別、Generics 是啥、any/unknown/never/undefined 差別…Apr 281Apr 281